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This program has been designed to deal with Filmmaking by using Live Action, 3D Animation & Visual Effects. The first module deals with Fundamentals of Art, Design & Composition. A student then understands the basics of Photography and Filmmaking. The second module covers CG Assets & Characters, Rigging & Animation that is required for a VFX film. The third module deals with Dynamics & Tracking. The fourth module combines CG with live action footage using timelines and a node-based compositing software. At the end of the program, the student develops a Visual Effects short film using Live Action & CG.

This program provides a gateway to the Visual Effects world. The program starts with Fundamentals of Film Making & Computer Graphics. Then the program introduces the students to 3D Computer Graphics for a short period, thereby strengthening their skills in Dynamics, Tracking, Rotoscopy & Compositing, which forms the foundation for Visual Effects. A student will compile different kinds of VFX shots to build an outstanding portfolio during the last month of the program.


Don't hesitate to contact us


Main Ajit Road, Opp. St.
No.20, Near Ghore wala
Chowk, Bathinda.


Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 89680 77880 
              +91 9854509854